About Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
The major activities of the department can be categorized as Teaching, research and Extension in the field of agricultural engineering with specific thrust on Soil and Water Engineering.
The department of Soil and Water Engineering is involved in teaching B Tech (Agri Engg) and M tech (Agri Engg) with specific thrust on Soil and Water Engineering. The faculty of the department are engaged in teaching 16 courses subjects in B tech and 15 subjects in M tech in the discipline of Soil and Water Engineering that includes 20 credits in major courses; 14 credits in minor and supporting courses and 20 credits for research, 1 credit for seminar and a non credit in-plant training of 3 weeks. M Tech (Agri Engg) with specialization in Soil and Water Engineering includes the areas of soil and water conservation, irrigation water management, hydrology, watershed management, ground water hydrology, irrigation systems and pumps and GIS and Remote sensing.
Courses covered in B Tech under the department of Soil and Water Engineering
- Engineering Drawing : 2 (0+2) credits
- Surveying and Leveling : 3(1+2) credits
- Engineering Mechanics : 3 (2+1) credits
- Soil Mechanics : 3 (2+1) credits
- Watershed Hydrology : 3 (2+1) credits
- Fluid Mechanics : 3 (2+1) credits
- Irrigation Engineering : 3 (2+1) credits
- Soil and Water Conservation Engg : 3 (2+1) credits
- Strength of materials : 3(1+2) credits
- Ground water, wells and pumps : 3(1+2) credits
- Drainage Engineering : 3(1+2) credits
- Soil and Water Conservation structures : 3(1+2) credits
- Micro irrigation system design : 3(1+2) credits
- Watershed Planning and Management : 3(1+2) credits
- Remote sensing and GIS Applications : 3(1+2) credits
- Project : 3(1+2) credits
- In plant training : 20 credits
Courses offered in M Tech under the department of Soil and Water Engineering
- Watershed Hydrology : 3(1+2) credits
- Design of Farm irrigation System : 3(1+2) credits
- GIS and remote Sensing : 3(1+2) credits
- Ground Water Engineering : 3(1+2) credits
- Agricultural Drainage System : 3 (2+1) credits
- Watershed Management and Modeling : 3(1+2) credits
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering : 3(1+2) credits
- Open Channel Flow : 3(1+2) credits
- Water quality and Pollution Control : 3(1+2) credits
- Water resources System Engineering : 3(1+2) credits
- Masters research : 5+0
List of the staff for Soil water Engineering Department
Sanctioned Strength
- Professor : 1 nos
- Associate professor:
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (IDE) – 2 nos
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (SWCE) : 2 nos
- Assistant Professor
- Assistant professor (IDE): : 2 nos
- Assistant Professor (SWCE) : 2 nos
- Assistant Profession (Civil) : 2 nos
Name: | Dr. Deepak Jhajharia | ![]() View Profile |
Designation: | Professor | |
Academic Qualification: | B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.), M.Tech.(Water Resources Engg.), Ph.D.(Hydrology) | |
Expertise: | Water Resources Engineering, Hydrology, Climate Change. | |
e-mail: | jhajharia75@rediffmail.com | |
Contact No. | 7363820251 |
Name: | Dr. J. Panda | ![]() View Profile |
Designation: | Associate Professor & Head | |
Academic Qualification: | B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.), M.Tech.(Soil & Water Conservation Engg.), Ph.D.(Soil & Water Conservation Engg.) | |
Expertise: | ||
e-mail: | jagabandhu.panda@gov.in | |
Contact No. | 9851171899 |
Name: | Dr. Santosh R. Yadav | ![]() View Profile |
Designation: | Assistant Professor | |
Academic Qualification: | B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.), M.Sc.(Soil & Water Conservation Engg.), Ph.D.(Hydrology) | |
Expertise: | ||
e-mail: | sryadav52@gmail.com | |
Contact No. | 9434755669 |
Name: | Dr. Ghanshyam Singh Yurembam | ![]() View Profile |
Designation: | Assistant Professor | |
Academic Qualification: | B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.), M.Tech.(Irrigation & Drainage Engg.), Ph.D.(Irrigation & Drainage Engg.) | |
Expertise: | Natural Resource Management, Watershed Management, Linear Programming Optimization | |
e-mail: | gyurembam@gmail.com | |
Contact No. | 9735199138 |
List of the Non-Teaching Staff
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | |
1 | Mr. Dilip Kumar Rai | MTS | sunu.512@rediffmail.com |
2 | Mrs. Bishnu Maya Chettri | MTS | bishnuchettri2007@gmail.com |
3 | Mrs. SunitaYadav | MTS | yadavsunita88@yahoo.co.on |
Research Projects in Department of Soil & Water Engineering
NAME OF THE PROJECT | Project under | duration | FUNDING ORGANIZATION | Sanction Amount | Sanction Date | STATUS |
Prediction of lean season discharge of springs for efficiently managing it to fulfill water needs of the mountain inhabitants | Dr. AK Vashisht, Associate Professor | 4 Yrs (Dec 2012-Dec 2016) | DST, Govt. of India | 17.31 Lakh | Dec 2012 | Ongoing |
Water Poverty in NE region and its potential mitigation through agricultural water management for sustainable livelihood improvement: A pilot project in Sikkim | Dr. J. Panda , Associate Professor | 3 years | DST, Govt. of India | 40 Lakh | Closed | |
Soil Moisture Characterization and its Impact on Productivity of Large Cardamom in Sikkim | Dr.B.C.Kusre,
Associate Professor |
3 years (Aug 2014 to 2017) | DST, Govt. of India | 46.60 Lakh | Aug. 2014 | Ongoing |
Mapping of Natural Resource and Developing Strategy for Water Resource Management in Sikkim | Dr.B.C.Kusre,
Associate Professor |
2 Years ((Aug. 2012-Aug. 2016) | DST, Govt. of India | 15.70 Lakh | Aug. 2014 | Ongoing |
Pilot project of Technology transfer, credit counseling & market advocacy through farmer’ club in Sikkim | Dr. J Panda, Associate Profesor | 2 years | NABARD, Govt. of India | Completed | ||
Impact of particle size distribution of filter material on water turbidity and flow rate for use in drip irrigation and ground water recharge | Dr. A K Vashisht, Associate Professor | 1 Yrs (April 2014- March 2015) | CAU, Imphal | 1.35 Lakh | April 2015 | Ongoing |
Morphological Analysis and Prioritization of selected Watersheds of Sikkim Using RS & GIS | Dr. J Panda Associate Professor | CAU. Imphal | Completed | |||
Chemical Analysis of Ranikhola&Bushkkhola river water for irrigation and domestics uses of CAEPHT Campus | Dr. S R Yadav, Assistant Professor | 1 Year | CAU, Imphal | 88,500/- | Completed | |
Performance evaluation of drip irrigation system for selected vegetation crops in Sikkim | Dr. G T Patle, Assistant Professor | 1 Yrs& 3 Months | CAU, imphal | 77,000/- | Feb. 2008 | Completed |
Determination of hydraulic performance of micro irrigation system emitter in hilly terrain of NE region | Dr. BC Kusre, Associate Professor | 1 Year ( Nov.2013- Oct 2014) | CAU, Imphal | 1.10 Lakh | Nov 2013 | Completed |
Effect of substrates on growth characteristics, yield and water use efficiency of tomato in soil less culture | Er. V Pandey, Assistant Professor | CAU, Imphal | Submitted (not approved) | |||
Assessment of infiltration rate of a paddy growing area in a micro watershed of Sikkim | Dr. G T Patle, Assistant Professor | 1 Year (Oct. 2015- Sept. 2016) | CAU, Imphal | 1.16 Lakh | Oct. 2015 | Ongoing |
List of Laboratories in the Department
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Laboratory Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Soil Water Conservation Laboratory Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- Engineering Mechanics
- Remote Sensing and GIS Lab
- Strength of Material
- Surveying and Levelling Laboratory
- Water quality and analysis Laboratory
- Engineering Drawing
List of the Major equipment in Soil Water Engineering Department
- Soil Water Conservation Laboratory
Sl. No
1 |
Particular of equipment
2 |
1 | Drainage & Seepage Tank |
2 | Canopy Analyser |
3 | Automatic Sediment Analyzer |
4 | Neutron Probe Moisture meter |
5 | Hydro Meteorological Data Acquisition System |
6 | Laser Leaf Area meter |
7 | Consolidated apparatus (single gang) |
8 | Coshocton Wheel Silt Sampler 30 cm |
9 | Laboratory Permeability Apparatus |
10 | Unconfined Compression Tester |
11 | Shear Apparatus |
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Sl. No. | Name of Equipment |
1 | Francis Turbine |
2 | Hydraulic Bench |
3 | Pelton Wheel Turbine |
4 | Centrifugal Pump Test Set up |
5 | Darcy’s Apparatus |
6 | Hydraulic Rig Ram (closed circuit) |
7 | Open Channel Apparatus (closed circuit) |
8 | Reciprocating pump test set up |
9 | Tilting hydraulic flume |
- List of Equipment in Strength of Material laboratory
Sl. No. | Name of Equipment |
1 | Fatigue Testing Machine |
2 | Abrasion test machine |
- List of Equipments and Software in Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory
Sl. No. | Name of Equipment |
Hardware facilities | |
1 | Computers |
2 | Plotter |
3 | A0 size Scanner |
Software’s | |
4 | Surface Water Modeling |
5 | Arc GIS |
6 | ERDAS |
7 | Geometica Software |
- List of equipment in Surveying and Levelling
Sl. No. | Name of Equipment |
1 | Prismatic Compass with Stand |
2 | Theodolite |
3 | Digital Planimeter |
4 | Plane Table set |
5 | Automatic Level |
6 | Tangent Clinometer |
7 | Dumpy Level |
- List of the equipment in Water quality and analysis Laboratory
Sl. No. | Name of Equipment |
1 | Portable Turbidity meter |
- List of instruments in Soil mechanics laboratory
Sl. No
1 |
Particular of equipment
2 |
1 | Drainage & Seepage Tank |
2 | Canopy Analyser |
3 | Automatic Sediment Analyzer |
4 | Neutron Probe Moisture meter |
5 | Hydro Meteorological Data Acquisition System |
6 | Laser Leaf Area meter |